Spine Surgeon

Spinal Injections in Mumbai

Spinal injections

Spinal injections, a widely utilized interventional technique in pain management, offer targeted relief for individuals grappling with spine-related discomfort. These injections deliver medications directly to the affected spinal region, providing relief from pain and inflammation associated with various conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, or facet joint arthritis. By precisely targeting the source of pain, spinal injections offer a minimally invasive alternative to surgery, offering patients significant relief while minimizing the risks and recovery time associated with more invasive procedures.


What are the types of spinal injections?

  • Epidural Injection: Used to alleviate pain radiating to the arms or legs, epidural injections involve injecting corticosteroids and anesthetics into the epidural space surrounding the spinal cord to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Facet Joint Injection: Targeting the small joints between vertebrae, these injections are utilized for diagnosing and treating pain caused by degenerative conditions or injury in the neck, mid-back, or low back.
  • Sacroiliac Joint Injection: Similar to facet joint injections, these injections address pain in the sacroiliac joints, located between the sacrum and pelvis, with diagnostic injections aiding in pinpointing the source of pain and therapeutic injections providing lasting relief.
  • Trigger Point Injection: Employed for conditions like fibromyalgia or myofascial pain syndrome, these injections deliver local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medication to specific trigger points to alleviate pain and muscle tension.
  • Provocation Discography: Primarily diagnostic, discography involves pressurizing intervertebral disks to identify the source of long standing back pain, assisting in treatment planning, particularly for surgical intervention.

When are spine injections recommended?

Spine injections are recommended when conservative treatments such as medication, physical therapy, and activity modification fail to provide adequate relief from spine-related pain. These injections may be considered for individuals experiencing:

  • Radicular Pain: Pain that radiates from the spine to the arms or legs, often due to nerve compression or irritation (e.g., sciatica).
  • Facet Joint Pain: Pain originating from the small joints located between adjacent vertebrae, typically caused by arthritis or injury.
  • Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: Pain in the lower back, buttocks, or legs resulting from dysfunction or inflammation of the sacroiliac joints.
  • Persistent Back Pain: Chronic back pain that has not responded to conservative treatments and is significantly affecting daily activities and quality of life.
  • Diagnostic Purposes: When the source of spine-related pain is unclear, injections may be used diagnostically to identify the specific structures or nerves causing the pain.
  • Preoperative Evaluation: In some cases, injections may be performed as part of the preoperative evaluation to determine the effectiveness of targeted treatments before considering surgery.


Are spine injections considered safe for managing spine-related pain?

Yes, spine injections are considered safe when administered by spine surgeons. Widely used for managing spine-related pain, these injections have a track record of effectiveness with minimal risk of complications.

What are the advantages of spinal injections?

  • Targeted Pain Relief: Spine injections provide localized relief from spine-related pain, including radicular pain and back pain.
  • Improved Functionality: By reducing pain and inflammation, these injections enhance mobility and functional ability.
  • Alternative to Surgery: Spine injections offer a non-surgical option for managing pain and symptoms in some cases.
  • Diagnostic Aid: They serve as a diagnostic tool to identify the specific source of spine-related pain.
  • Minimally Invasive: Spine injections are minimally invasive procedures with minimal recovery time.
  • Localized Treatment: Medication is delivered directly to the affected area, reducing systemic side effects.
  • Long-lasting Relief: Depending on the individual response, spine injections can provide extended pain relief.

Book your appointment at Synapse Spine Mumbai to discuss the potential benefits of Spinal Injections in Mumbai in managing your spinal condition. Our experts will evaluate your individual needs and recommend personalized treatment options to help alleviate pain and improve your quality of life. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards finding relief.